Building Inspections Gold Coast


How to Identify Structural Issues in Garage Walls: A Buyer’s Checklist

  • Don’t let defects in your garage walls go unnoticed. Read this guide to learn how to identify and address structural issues before making a home purchase.
  • Protect yourself from expensive repairs by learning about the types of garage wall defects to look out for during a pre-purchase inspection.
  • Looking to buy a home with a garage? Make sure you’re aware of these common garage wall defects and how to address them.

I. Introduction Garage walls are an essential part of any garage and play a crucial role in supporting the roof and providing structural stability. When buying a property with a garage, it is crucial to inspect the garage walls thoroughly to ensure that there are no structural issues. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of defects that can occur in garage walls and provide guidance on how to identify and address them during a pre-purchase inspection.

II. Types of Garage Wall Defects Before we can understand the signs of garage wall defects, it is important to know the types of defects that can occur. Here are some common types of garage wall defects:

  • Cracks: These can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal and can occur due to settling or shifting of the foundation.
  • Bulges: This occurs when the wall is pushed outward due to external pressure or water damage.
  • Settlement: This is when the foundation under the garage walls sinks or shifts, causing the walls to crack or bulge.
  • Leaning walls: This can happen when the foundation is not level, causing the walls to lean or bow.
  • Rot and water damage: This can occur due to moisture exposure, causing the walls to weaken and become more susceptible to other defects

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