Building Inspections Gold Coast

Step Cracking in Walls

A step crack in a wall is a type of vertical cracking that appears in a stair-step pattern. This type of crack is often a sign of structural issues. Some common causes of step cracking in walls include:

  • Settlement: If a building is built on unstable soil, it can cause the foundation to settle unevenly, resulting in step cracks in the walls.
  • Load bearing: If the walls are not designed to support the weight of the building or the load placed on it, it can cause step cracking.
  • Movement: If the building or the foundation is experiencing movement, such as from expansion or contraction, it can cause step cracking in the walls.
  • Weather: Extreme weather conditions such as heavy rain, high winds, or temperature fluctuations can cause step cracking in the walls.
  • Age: As a building ages, the materials used in construction can deteriorate, which can cause step cracking in the walls.
  • Improper construction: If the walls were not constructed properly, such as not enough reinforcement, or not following the correct building codes, it can cause step cracking.

Step cracking is often considered to be more severe than other types of cracking, and it is recommended to consult a structural engineer or a building surveyor to properly identify the cause of the cracks and determine if they are structural or not, and if they need repairs.


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